“I don’t go to
I go to
About Us
Our faith community is inclusive and affirming of all people regardless of their race or ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, or belief. We have always sought to transcend the institutional church, so we don't fit neatly into any box or institution, even the United Methodist one. Our community is made up of saints and sinners, believers and non-believers. Some of us are nones and dones, all of us are seekers.
We put a much greater emphasis on action over doctrine, so what holds us all together is our commitment to living like Jesus whose mission was to "bring good news to the poor, proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free those who are oppressed." For us that means listening to our community, speaking out against injustice, and praying with our feet. Sometimes it means making "good trouble." We hope you will join us in this work!